Thursday, 21 July 2011


I just send a synopsis of my PhD to my Sup...  Here's hoping it is ok!

Am super excited and scared.  I started writing the intro yseterday and then have fine tuned it into what would be the abstract or the first para of the intro, and then tweaked and tweaked last night and this morning until it is a fnatastically concise, distilled version of the Whole Chuffing Thing.

I really, really hope he likes it.  I hope he writes and says it seems just dandy, go ahead and write it.  It really is the whole complete thing, from what the title means, to what authors and theoretical stance it is influenced by, to how it purports to be original and contribute to the literature in my field, to what my arguments are.  A fine tuned piece of writing.  If it is a success then I shall dance a meery jig and might even get pissed.  If it is bobbins then at least I *know* and can work on it - with some help and pointers from my Sup - and get better until it is right.  So whatever happens, I have done something that is helping my work move forward.  Which is music to my ears after so long just being shit and then reading and now I feel I have turned a corner.


Am off for a lovely cup of coffee :0)  Then I shall spend the day checking my email every two seconds, jumpy as anything, and try and skim read some notes of books I have already read, but forgotton the gist of. 

Tomorrow I am taking the baby with me to the library.  Am borrowing the car so at least I don't have to negotiate public transport and can hopefully park actually near the campus, then we will runb in and get books, I need to get my form for a railcard signed and stamped and then we are all done.  Am quite excited about taking him to see my uni for some reason.  He won't know where he is but I will feel quite happy.  Getting books is really important and I can't dop it today as wanted to get this done.

Better check email quickly then nip off for a break.  

Wish me luck!

x J 

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