Monday, 30 June 2008


So, I have been into town and back, done a lot of chores and now have a clear mind. Which is nice. Am really stressed though: I tried 'skim reading' this morning but the book is really important. This is such a tricky thing I find with a PhD: keeping to plans; not overrunning too much but also being flexible with yourself by not seeing the making of new plans as tantamount to failure. In the 'old' days, rejigging a plan meant you had failed to keep to your old one, most probably because of too much partying. With this though, due to its dependence on constant discovery even the whole perspective of your PhD can change in one afternoon. So rejigging a plan is almost inevitably going to happen. But, out of habit, I can't help but feel disappointed when I am looking at being two weeks behind schedule. I suppose if you can explain it to your Sup they will understand. Mine hopefully will, luckily for me he always seems to be two steps ahead of me anyway and probably won't be too surprised. As long as I can talk more intelligently about my topic due to the reading it can't be seen as a bad thing...

Soooo I think I will have to concentrate on a LOT of this book. I wish I could photocopy a ton of it and just highlight it, having to write it all out is a pain. I never remember stuff as well if I just highlight though. A brightly covered page can lok like a job well done when in fact I was just highlighting...

I better go off and concentrate then! Am blatently wasting time...

x J

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