Sunday, 2 December 2012

Back to it

Arf it is a beautiful crisp Sunday and I am sat here working.  Shucks.

I have a horrible cold and being preggo I just had to sit it out rather than have any fabulous medicine.  My lit review still sucks apparently but I have found some more sources I had squirreled away for a special occasion (aka hidden on my desk) that will sort of fit the bill.  Thank god.  I also have to buy a couple of books off amazon or go into uni to the library to get them, but doing that would take a whole half day on buses and walking up big hills just for two stupid books and I don't actually even have a library card any more!  So will just buy them and then send them back next week.

I opened The Manuscript yesterday morning and to my surprise generally it is all ok.  There is a lot of work to be done but the main thing, the thesis and writing and cross referencing and themes etc are all good and its hangs togterh nicely apparently.  So that is amazing :)  It is the refs and footnotes, the syntax and repetition that seem to be my main faults.  And the fecking lit review.  And the concl is rubbish too, as I suspected but it is my first draft on it so...

Am quite stressed and unhappy but know this is superficial and necessary to get the job done.  I think the deadline of CHRISTMAS is quite an awful one!  I dread spending CHRISTMAS day in a PhD infused fog of worry and distractedness; I want to relax and be happy with my family.  So now is the time to change this.  My son is at his second ever birthday party and I have skived off going to sit here and work instead (and am antisocially full of snot).  I have an hour and a half aroundabout to start making some headway and calm the inner voice of stress and evil.

Today I am taking it easy as I am aware I have had two days off and am ill.  It is an exercise of re-learning how to sit at my desk and getting the wheels oiled for the next few weeks of hard work!  I plan to:
  • look though the comments re: the manuscript and jot them down so I can use them as reference points and keep checking them as I edit. 
  • I need to order those books.
  • start editing from Chapter Two.  I will leave the intro to wait to see properly what Sup concludes and receive those books.

I know it is bollocks, and I have done it all.  But I also know it needs to be much, much better.

Sup wants to call me :(  I don't want to hear it!  I don't want to!

x J


Bryallen said...

Great news on the manuscript!!

Sorry to hear you're feeling ill. Don't forget, lots of hot drinks and orange juice! :)

Numpty said...

Thanks :) It was amazing news! I was so relieved I promptly hid in in my study and shut the door for the WHOLE day to celebrate!

Thanks for the sympathy :) I get none in my house as my boys have had colds almost constantly since June (probably) while I have swanned about being all healthy. Is about time I suppose... grr :)

And onwards...

x J