Thursday, 9 July 2009

Good news!

Ah 'tis a good day.

I met my Sup in the car park as arranged, signed my form and we had a wee chat about how my work is going. Told him about Kuna (the RA) and we agreed that the fieldwork is mostly about getting an *impression* (as have no time for intrepid ethnographic researching) and is only a third of the empirical evidence for my thesis, the rest is discourses (that i halready have and have analysed). So with a bit of padding and some more time there (next three weeks) all should be well, with or without Kuna. So yay!! Am so pleased about this; much, much more relaxed and less pressured. I shall go to India, chill for a couple of days then start wandering around and talking to people in order to gain this impression of their experiences of the aid-effort. Twill be grand.

We also talked about the conference paper I am doing, I told him how many original sources I had read so far and asked if I should read more and he say nooooo. Yaya! I confessed I had started to look out of the window when trying to read which generally meant I had read enough and he chuckled and agreed, so brilliant - I shall start planning and collating together the thoughts I have noted down. He also said that the presentation is only going to be 10 minutes and just to present my paper, as in - these are some ideas, take them or leave them - and then all is done! We can do that (as in me and Beanie who by then shall be very much in attendance). No worries. And the paper I am writing for the 15 Sept only needs to be a draft, it doesn't need to be written to the poshest most best referenced standards! PHEW!! In needs to be coherent and readable of course, but not to a completely anal standard.

All three of these bits of info are priceless and my blood pressure has dropped to normal. I am happy! I am fine! I can do this!! I am SOOOOOOO pleased!!!! Am going to have a bacon buttie to celebrate!!

What a great half an hour.

So am off now to skive a bit and celebrate my new-found freedom and work out where this paper is heading. Then I shall be free for India! I realised last night that even if I wanted to do more reading I just haven't the head space any more. I am a lot less cross and frustrated though which is marvellous.

I ought to go for a swim too...

We 15 weeks preggers today! Wooty!

x J

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