Wednesday, 9 July 2008


Ahh today I am new person! I got some sleep! This may sound really lame but I am just not a morning person and so getting up at 8 for the plumber (who has never turned up before half nine incidentally) has been such a strain. One of the perks of this PhD is being able to work around my own hours, and my inner clock likes to get up at 9am. I need a lot of sleep or am a grouch and last night I got some. Wooooo! I woke up during a dream where I was in Big Brother and had to barter some fancy hot chocolate I had and some wine gums (?!) for ten pence to ring DB who I hadn't spoken to for a whole week and I was sad. And then I awoke and he was there! Fabulous.

But, but, but... And there is always a but... I have a cold. Yes, it's true I am lurgy-fied. I haven't felt tip-top for a while, and now I can finally get some sympathy for it. I think. I am worried though because this weekend is going to be Party Central... I cannot be ill for this weekend! Well, it is Weds now so hopefully it would have gone by then... Or tomorrow even!

Oh oh oh I have other sad news: I have lost (hopefully misplaced) my Mp3 player. It's just a cheapie (am wilfully resisting the clone-land that is the Ipod, magnificent though I am assured it is by friends and family...) but has the radio which I love to listen to while I am running around the bleak landscape that forms my local environs. And today I keep thinking (rather marvellously) I am going to go for a run later but no no no! Not without some company I am not. 5k will be like climbing a mountain all on my own; feeling every strained muscle and strangled intake of breath. It will not be tolerated! I must find it. DB thinks one of the plumbers may have skaefed it, and I do wonder as plumber #1 never came back and was there when I was taking it off - the last time I saw it. But I don't really think that - mainly because I really want to find it and if I think he took it, well, there is no hope then is there? Why this nice lad would want my rubbish little Mp3 player anyway I don't know. Can't even really burn anything on it cause it's memory is so small. I am bereft though dear reader. Twice I have had to leave the house now with my ears unplugged and my eyes fully open and aware, and I don't like it.

OK down to business!

WORK. I am completely convinced I have to go out later but I don't!! I don't have to do anything today but feel really like I have two hours then am off out for the day. Strange. I will work until lunchtime, and then work after lunchtime and get this reading really dented. This afternoon when I get sleepy (around 4ish) I will work out another plan to scare myself into working really hard. I need to have this reading done by this weekend, and then I have two clear weeks to write. I have to have this work finished for July25, then I am off to a wedding and have a few days off in sunny cornwall. Then I will come back, check it, re-jig anything then put it to bed for next year and start, finally, thankfully, my methodology. I am so desperate to start the methodology and have a horrible feeling in the pit of my stomach that I will be getting on a plane in Oct with no idea what I am doing or why. And no textbooks to tell me the answer!

Plan: read the rest of philosophy and then read ethics today.

Oooh I am being good as well and putting each ref I am going to use into endnote andwriting the abstract in there, and some notes on why the article/book is useful, and only writing to do spider diagrams of principal tenets/arguments etc.

AND yesterday I got my passport posted off! YAYA! I am very concerned that I wrote the town I live in in the county box and that the computer won't be able to read it and they will send it back. At the time I thought it wouldn't matter and now I am anxious.

Anyway, better go. Scrabulous to play. Not reaaaaaally. Speaking of which, a contender of mine who is v v clever and a man patronised me in the last game and now I am beating him HARD. Haha, just because I am a girl and seem to vaguely represent a pixie these days does not mean I don't know my scrabulous onions! No sir!

x J

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