Wednesday, 16 July 2008


Today has been a successful day! Magic!

Workwise I did what I set out to do and have worked out where this chapter is going and read alllllll the literature for it. Now I just have to start to write it. Tomorrow I want to read the necessary websites for some primary analysis, work out some discursive themes (if they have changed) and then start typing the first third segment of it on Friday. I want to get this part of the chapter done for sat eve... unlikely I know. Most likely it will be done on Monday. Now I have a general plan I can see that I shan't have it done like I want to for next Thursday. I can try though. A few days over won't break the bank.

More excitingly though I have worked out what I want to do when I have finished the PhD! As anyone who may read this daily detritus of my brain may know, what I shall do upon completion has been angsting me for a few days now... I am now totally sure (for now, hehe) that I will work for a wee think-tank I know of in London. London! I dislike London with a vengeance on the whole but let me explain. This here think-tank is super duper for me - it means I can still do some research but not necessarily my 'own' project. It will be diverse and maybe part of a group project which would be nice. It means I can stay as an objective commentator on the world instead of part of its cogs (and downfalls) - which is what I am good at; analysing the big picture. It means I can go to meetings and work with other organisations, but also work on my own. It also means I can get the decent wage I am harking after. I read the vacancies page and they have a few vacancies at the moment for research fellows and I fill most of the specifications! And I read the staff list and their descriptive blurbs and yes! I am one of those people! I am so happy. As I said, they are based in London. But I hate london?! No! I don't! As long as I have some money instead of being on 12k (like previously, oh my WORD I was skint), can cycle around and avoid the tube (hate the tube, bleugh, hate it) and live near a park or common so I have some green... Maybe even I can buy a house! And have a pet! And a job where I go in and work for a few years, have colleagues and not work at home. Go out for long expensive sunday lunches with my friends, at a quiet pub by the canal... I want to be a drone! I do! I want to have my house that I live in with no plans to go anywhere. Maybe buy one! I want routine. I would like a few years of satisfied tummy-rubbing. DB wants to live in London too - which is quite a U-turn as I thought he had plans to whisk me off to the Westcountry as soon as I finished. Which would be cool, but not if I want to work. As for the children... well... I don't know. But I could have flexi time in this job and DB would be at home and there are childminders... They will be happy I am sure of it, whether or not they have me there in their face constantly. I will be there for their first 18 months, both of the first two, then will have quite a few years off before the next...

There are opportunities to work abroad in this job too. But that is something quite different.

I am excited about it! Now I have opened my mind a bit about the London thing. I don't have to go on the tube, be skint and miserable , constantly hungover, and open my front door to crazies on my doorstep in Camden at all! I can find a quiet bit of town and set up my tent there!

So that was me...

Am busy making a moroccan style lentil, aubergine and courgette bake. DB tried to get me to eat pizza and even have a beer! But I say NO! I have work to do you bad corruptor. So he has gone to the gym and I am making nice healthy food.

Better go and do some daydreaming. I may have a future! Wooo!

It's blinkin' raining again. Am most unimpressed.

x J

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