Friday, 8 August 2008

It's the weekeeeeeend!

Ah ha I am soooo happy! I am going to glug a large glass of red wine and be most smug, for I have finally, finally, sorted out this chapter for GOOD.

I did a lot of juggling of text today and I have got a great layout which has passed all sorts of tests. It is readable, interesting (so says me) and it contains everything I want to say without being too 'bitty' or losing its flow. yayayayayaaaaa! So I can come back on Monday and be in the middle of it - it is now at a stage where I can open it and all the parts are in the right order so it is really accessible. It needs some filling but is generally all there! I am soooooooo pleased! I really feel like I can see the end line!!!

Wow. I want to have it finished at the end of next week... Fingers crossed!

What to do this weekend then? Tomorrow I want to wake up without feeling dread for the first time in weeks. And then I want to read the paper in my jammies and drink tea and eat toast and marmite in front of nonsense tv I recorded from this evening. Then I would like to go out and about- I may go for a long ramble on my todd on the local moor or go swimming or to the gym. Then I shall probabaly fill my mouth with takeaway... Oh dear.

Then on Sunday the focus of my day is my 5 mile run. I have NEVER run five miles. Will I live to see the end of it?! Watch this space.

I really need to clean my housey and would like to earn some pennies doing some work for DB too... I want to take my ma out for a lovely meal for her beeday at the end of the month and so need some more cash. Mine is all being used to get stuff from ebay for TN and for running... and also to save for my flight ticket that I am buying on Sept 1st. (can't wait).

Speaking of which I had an email from a couchsurfer I contacted ages ago in TN and she sent me a lovely, friendly email with her phone num so we can contact her to go out for coffee and get the lowdown about TN when we arrive. yaya! And I found a place that does month-long intensive language lessons for TN... I emailed them so await their reply (and exorbitant prices I am sure!)

Well chucks, that's me.

My work went WELL! woooooo!

x J

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