Tuesday, 29 May 2012

Done ok

I did my one page :)  Am now on the second page!

And hurrah.  I also think I worked out the odds me and my sup have over a conceptual issue that I see as key to my thesis but he thinks I have misunderstood.  I think it is just a wording issue that hopefully I can iron out pretty easily, and if I am right will actually add to the nuance of the thesis.  This is very good.

Not so good is that I am feeling panicky as I work.  My breathing is too fast and my vision is a bit swimmy which tends to herald the beginnings of a panic attack.  I felt like this coming back from dropping Bean off at the childminder's this morning :(  I do this so very often and she is a friend, why am I so scared to leave the house?!   I feel overwhelmed by having to work and think about work, and having to go out and get Bean and face the whole social thing of Being Outside and Talking to People.  I wish I was invisible.

My kitten is very naughty.  She is very curious now and knocking over plants, climbing up furniture and pulling clothes off the clothes horse.  Of course, she is a cat and this is what cats do and I am not that fussed, but DB will be cross!  he doesn't really get it and thinks she should just sit and chase balls!  Oh dear, he would be much better with a dog.

Right, better get ready for the big outdoors.  Am very very pleased with my efforts today.  I feel really chuffed, as if I did a conference presentation.  What a twat.  And then feel scared when I realise I have to come back and do it all again tomorrow!  Shit me, am so bloody frail :(  What a twat.

x J

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