Sunday 30 January 2011

Back in the Game!

Phew wee, am back at work!

It is sunday today and am sorting everything out and getting my house in order. I will work:
Sunday 10-2 (DB with Bean)
Monday 11-3 (DB has Bean)
Tuesday 10.45-2.15 (Bean with childminder)
Wednesday 10.45-2.15 (ditto above)
Thursday 10.45 - 2.15 (ditto above)
Friday OFF
Saturday OFF
The hours will be revised at the end of Feb and hopefully upped a bit. I will be writing at these times and Sunday will also be my review period for the week and setting targets for the next week - an easier day really :0) I will also read in the evenings, each week i will set literature targets. This week I have three articles to read. I won't read on Fri and Sat evenings but all others are game, even if I have gone out and exercised and am knackered. I want to do 2 hours an evening. I will also start getting up at around 7.45am (ug) so my baby is in bed and asleep by 8pm. He generally sleeps 12 hours after getting up and for about 3 hours at a time, so by 8 I should have exercised, eaten, and the baby should be asleep so I can sit and read (in front of the tv to start with until I get more serious). He will hopefully start sleeping more as he settles with the childminder and we have a routine going, but who knows. I do need to be more routined though if I want to work in the evenings.

My baby is downstairs crying and I hate it.

Anyway. Today I have sorted out a timetable of sorts, worked out the work I want to do for the week, worked out my hours and am feeling lovely and cleansed! I am a worker! I will finish this thing! *fingers crossed*

x J

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