Friday 21 January 2011


Ok, so I have a few minutes to type while my baby sleeps :0)

I am not back at work yet really. I have spent that last two weeks looking after Bean and settling him into the childminder's. Am not doing the latter very quickly as i am really keen that he likes it there so it can be for the long term, and perhaps with a chance of increasing the hours as my work ratchets up towards the end of the year. i wouldn't be able to work knowing he was unhappy there. My CM is just adorable and they get on so well so I am hopeful that I should have my first four hour work session by the end of next week. Whether I work or not is yet to be known - to be honest at the start am likely to clock watch until i can go and get him and know he is ok. Once I know he is settled there and having fun I shall be able to concentrate and have it as guilt-free work time.

Having a baby makes everything waaaaaay complicated! But also more fun so hey-ho!

I did email my Sup and for the first time *ever* admitted that I have fallen behind and for one reason or another not been working and so my deadline looks in jeopardy. He emailed back to say that I shouldn't worry, that I'll be fine and not to think too much about submitting at this 'early stage'. Early! I was so pleased to get that email I actually slept that night :0) I'll be ok. And again, I'll be ok... Am really looking forward to getting back into it - now I can see that I will, and that the time will be too precious to waste I feel it coould be good. My office is back as my office and is relatively tidy and spacious. DF has his office over the road. Bean in childcare (boo hiss, but ok).

Personally, I am back exercising which is cheering me up and I have entered a baby triathlon for April... 16 lengths of the pool, a 20K cycle and a 5k run. Very doable but still need to tone up so I don't make a fool of myself. DB and I are happy and back on track and am planning our wedding! hurrah!

Oooh the baby is up! he has a 6th sense for when am on this blog!

laters all
x J


jacqueline Brassey said...

Hi There!
Today I found your blog by coincidence. I lived in the UK the last couple of years and did my PhD at a distance (it is in the Netherlands). It was part time because I was working full time with a Multinational. In the middle of all that I became a very happy mum of twins. At the moment I am in the last phase of my PhD, the little ones are 2,5. I would love to get connected with you to share experiences. Would it be possible to get your e-mail address? You can e-mail me at: Good luck!

Numpty said...

Hi Jacqueline
Wow you must have been so busy! Congratulations on getting this far - do let me know when you submit! Thanks for your offer to share experiences, that's so lovely. Unfortunately I am a less than reliable emailer at the moment, my poor friends are very neglected and I feel guilty enough as it is! Do comment away on here though, I would love to hear how you are doing :0)

Good luck!
x Jayney

Anonymous said...

Hi Jayney,
Oh dear:-) I was just browsing on the internet and found this blog again. I never knew a message was posted on the blog again since I left my email but was not aware I would not get an auto message with updates:-)... I just defended my dissertation two days ago with success and obtained my PhD in Economics and Business. Finally!!! It was a very special day! How are you getting on?? Please if you like send your message to if you like. Take care! Jacqui

Numpty said...

Congratulations! Very inspiring, you must be happy! All fine here, love it and hate it every day :0) Good luck in everything you do!

x J