Tuesday 14 June 2011


At last!  I have made a step forward in my PhD hurrah!

It has taken aaaaages and a *lot* of reading (and a lot more to come - my reading list for the lit review stands at a foot high in printed journal articles and eight pages of references still to obtain eek!) but today I made the epiphany that closes the loop of my ideas and makes a lovely, tight little circle where all ideas meet :0)  is most excellent and am really looking forward to emailing the outline of it all to my Sup.  I have celebrated with a packet of mini chedders and a lunchtime episode of spaced.  Spaced is a bit stupid and not really my cup of tea but is a comedy and silly so am reet in the mood.

Other news:  house move proving a nightmare and still not officially got house.  Am so very keen to get packing though have cleaned the house so just need to stuff things in boxes.  Can't wait to get a bigger house and my OWN OFFICE!!!!!  Need to pick up the baby (18 months old tomorrow and in full, exasperating toddler swing.  he broke my glasses this morning which was my fault leaving them out but still...  CHUH!) in an hour boo, is annoying to have my thoughts/flow hindered!  Have cancelled the triathlon I wanted to do at the end of next month because we are moving house, but actually because I haven't trained enough and am terrified.  The thought of it was stressing me out and making me eat too much ;0)  We are going South to a weddin' next week for a week UG I don't have the time (or the figure!) but it must be done.  Also seeing the catering lady for our wedding which should be good.  Not doing any wedding stuff now until Sept.

So PhD wise I just need to type up all the thoughts I have scribbled in my PhD book and make them coherent and (ahem) scholarly and email to Sup in anticipation of lots of praise.  I hope I hope!  And just Keep.  On.  Reading.  Hope to finish reading end July...  Maybe first week Aug.  Bezzy mates are coming up on weekend of 6 aug so will make that my reading deadline then write the bugger up for September.  After this the rest should technically fall into place.  I hope so as I want to have my first draft done for september.  But if I have the intellectual framework, the theses, the theory and the empirical research sorted, then it just needs writing...  doesn't it?

So pleased I am making progress! 

x J

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