Monday 6 June 2011


I have discovered the joy of letting the tv babysit my toddler...  I never thought I would do that!!

BUT it means I can work for an extra hour a day!  He just sits and giggles and I can work!  Am a bad mummy aye but in another way, we are both happy ;-)

Work is coming on ok...  have been busy as we went to visit family for a week and the week before that the childminder was on holiday so haven' had the same routine and time for work as usual - have still been plugging away though!  momentum is key.  I try not to think too much about how slowly I am working and how I am doing so little in comparison with pre-bubba and just get on with it.  Can see the end of the lit review I think which is something!

Oh and am moving house!  we have a lovely place half a mile up the road :0)  Big garden, two big reception rooms and upstairs has two double rooms and two single - the singles will be our studies :0)  Hurray at last a lovely workspace to myself.  We will move at the end of the month when we get back from another trip saaaath for a wedding.  Very busy.  We were meant to go on holiday this month but when we got the house on Saturday ralised that that would have to bite the dust for a few months.  Too much to do and we are anxious about fittiing in work time.

So beanie bean is back to the childminder tomorrow!  Am sad and relieved at the same time ;0)  Looking after an 18 month old who is not sleeping and crranky as a result is hard going yet always when I am happiest.  Still, can't say it won't be lovely to be back to work properly - my space, my time all to meeeeeee for a few precious hours.  he is going tues, weds and thurs now for five hours a pop, hopefully he won't be as ragged as before!

Not heard from my Sup since our last meeting in March.  This makes me sad on the one hand but ok on the other - as long as I am working I must tell myself I am doing ok.  I am nowhere near missing my course deadline of 31 May next year yet so all is well.  Not even behind on my schedule to finish the lit review reading by July, though if this lags by a month it won't really matter.  I am so super keen to get some writing done to send my Sup to show that i am still a-ok you know?  That I am working and thinking still!

x J

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