Tuesday 18 October 2011

Odd week

This week is a bit hit and miss workwise.

Today is DB's birthday and although he just seems to be grumpy I am in a jolly old mood and not in the mood for working at all!  I have made him some brownies for his birthday cake and will go and do some more work in a bit.  We are off Down South on Thursday night (all night driving - 7/8 hours of it with a restless toddler?!  UG!  hope he sleeps all the way ;0)) and back on Monday, so although this won't cut into my working horus too much it does make me all out of my routine which always leaves me discombobulated.

Today I will work until about 2/3 when DB is coming home from work early and apparently we are off into twon to do, er, chores!  yaya for birthdays!  Then we pick up Bean and come back to open pressies, drink tea, eat a brownie mebbe and then at 8 DB and are going ooooooout for dinner.  A friend is babysitting hurrah!  Am excited but also kind of not.  Db is just grumpy so am a bit fed up with his company ;0)  he hates his birthday and this is our first at home maybe EVER - we always go away to try and get rid of the horror of it all for him.  Anyway, twill be nice.  Am still waiting for his big pressie to turn up (a watch).

Am really very tired today!  why I know not.

Ok so I am still going through part one of my empirical chapters, annotating and writing a list of changes, while simply re-familiarising myself with what it says.  This should not take too much longer and is nice work to do.  After this it might be an idea to either edit this chapter formally (I need to change the order of it - I don't like the subheadings I am using at the mo so lots of copy and pasting) while the iron is hot, or just know that I have all the edits noted down and get on with trying to write the new chapter.  I shall see what my mood is ;0)

I feel very autumnal today!  Oh how I love Autumn.  This time of year really reminds me of being big and pregnant with Bean too.  I was such a happy pregnant person!

I have been feeling very stressed out about the need to send work to my Sup, just to show I am doing something.  But after seeing my friend and having new batteries installed I am trying to think that *any* work is good work, even if it is editing that no-one will notice but me.  I won't send edits off to my Sup, will just wait until I send him the whole shebang.  Or, with these chapters as there are two empirical chapters maybe I wills end them both off together so he can see the sum total of it and judge if it is good enough to warrant my 5 months in Inja!  My Sup can always email me if he is worried about where my work is.  What will probably happen is that he will get a lot of work in one go after xmas...  hehe.

Gosh I can't wait until this is finished.  I definitely want to see in the new year with a near complete first draft under my belt.  I want to feel in control and ready for the final push...

Could I actually do this?  WOW maybe I can.  Can you imagine how it would feel to finish?!  WOWOWWWWOOOOOW.  It would be even bigger than having Bean in a way, cause he sort of looked after himself and came along when he wanted...  But this I have to work for - every second, every minute, every blasted word... 

x J

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