Monday 3 October 2011

Back and married!!

Whee am all spanking new!  Got a new name innit.  Same old massively worried and scared attitude mind ;0)

Wedding was lovely - the venue, even tho it was a register office, was so perdy as it was in a really olde building, and our friends were lovely.  We quaffed champagne afterwards then hopped on a plane for our honeymoon, drank more champagne on the plane while bean played with his sticker book, arrived in our resort and drank more champagne and went to bed at about 5.30am.  Everyone on the plane congratulated us and it was most marvellous.  Coming out about our nuptials on arriving home has been a pleasure as everyone has been really chuffed for us and not at all miffed or weirded out by our secrecy and privacy.  Super dooper!

Our holiday was amaaaaazing, so relaxing not having to think if we didn't want to.  And now I am back to work.  I decided to work tonight so I am not stressy tomorrow and can hit the ground running I hope.  I have had my new chapter intro back from my sup with lots of grammatical corrections and no encouragment or indication of its merit/lack of whatsoever which has really depressed me actually.  I feel completely useless and, well, like a total twat for being on this course actually.  But the best I can do is plod on and if I finish it to a high enough standard then well done me, and if I don't then at least I tried.  Faint heart ne'er won fair lady and all that. 

Spent this morning in the uni library with bean doing some much needed photocopying.  Trying to work out how to photocopy, watch bean, entertain bean, try not to waste people's time when they are queueing behind me, and making sure the photocopying is readable is not easy!  Anyway, is just good that I can take the littl'un in to do such things.  And he loves the bus ;0)  Now he can talk that kind of thing is much easier as he will let me know verbally if he is miffed/hungry/thirsty etc rather than spontaneously bursting into a tearful rage that is highly stressful!  Anywho, did that and now am going to tackle the errors my Sup sent back to me.  Honestly, it is so depressing and will-sapping.  But face it I must.. and just try and get over it and move on.

x J


Zalfa said...

CONGRATULATIONS JAYNEY! Massively happy for the three of you. You definitely deserved a bit of a holiday, too!

Can I just add that sometimes supervisors can be so annoyingly persnickety about grammar and spelling and that is frustrating for us -- but if he didn't say anything about content, it actually means it's fine (You know this, anyway!)! I know it's impossible not to stress (I'm doing the whole "Do as I say, not as I do" thing now!) but just keep your eye on it and it WILL GET DONE!

Congratulations again, and WE CAN DO IT! xxxxx

Numpty said...

Thanks Zalfa! :0) Am going to work really hard today and hopefully feel like a proper student rather than a faffy one. Totally agree with you about my Sup too - I went through the work last night and afterwards went to DB and said exactly the same! No news is good news lol. Good luck good luck! x J

Anonymous said...

Massive congrats Jayney and welcome back! I've missed you :))

I did the whole 'going away to get marry by ourselves' thing as well and it was wonderful, so I'm glad it turned out that way for you too, especially after the stress and disappointments you had to deal with as part of your original preparations.

Now upwards and onwards towards the next name change, eh? ;) B xx

Numpty said...

Thanks B! yep towards the next name change! whee!
x J