Wednesday 26 October 2011


UG it is one of those weeks... or months.

I just haven't any time to work.  Am either away (not my choice) or the childminder can't work, or the plumber is here (again), or people are coming to stay (not my choice), or ill and so working is on the backburner.  ARG!

Anyway, it is getting towards the end of this period and I should be abck at work properly next week.  At last!  I shall work now if poss, (the wean is napping, the plumber is, ahem, probably napping) but more likely faff getting ready for peeps to come and stay tomorrow.  I shall exercise tonight I think, or might work instead.  Actually, I will work until 9 then watch a new david attenborough programme on t'tele, then go to bed ;0) 

Just saying yo.  Am not shitting myself yet about how little work I am doing, but that will happen very soon...

x J

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