Thursday 15 January 2009


Well, I am still in my pyjamas and DB has gone out to see if he can get us some tix to get to The South in the next couple of days. If he can't 'tis to site one for us!

I have been ill all day which is boring. Am just dandy in myself, is just my tummy :0( So, I read some papers and then wrote the introduction for my own! WOOT! I have not written a paper yet (yes, I know I am slow off the blocks, but am not a born academic. I like my dim, flickering bulb to be kept under a very thick bushel, thank you very much) but the articles seemed to sort of bring together my own thoughts (thanks Sup!) and ta da! I wrote a critique of how they fit into my work then realised that I sort of had all the ideas that form an interesting part of my work in my head for the first time (they don't usually convene together, or, if they do, cannot usually be described as 'interesting' to anyone outside my head) then wrote the abstract (100 words) and the intro (500 words). Obviously this is more of an outline than an intro. I shall check through later and tomorrow, then re write undoubtedly, then send to my sup and see what he thinks. And then I shall write it as I go along here, (when am ill, ug, all the time) or wait till I get home (Oh no! Tummy calls!)...


... and write it then - but at least I have a) an idea of what to write about, b) am pretty chuffed about it, and c) have written it out so just need to flesh it out now.

hurray! I am quite excited about it!

x J


Anonymous said...

Hi Janey - really sorry to hear you're still sick! Doesn't sound like fun at all. I've been doing a bit of research for my trip and have seen quite a few references to Ciprofloxacin. I'm not a fan of antibiotics, but apparently if you get a bacterial stomache bug it doesn't really go away by itself but the antibiotics sort it out pretty quickly. May be worth trying to find something like that? (Apparently also pretty easy to get drugs without prescriptions in India). Also, apparently you should be taking ORS - oral rehydration salts, to prevent the dehydration. Really hope you feel better soon! I'm dying to hear what site 1 (and site 2) are like.

Jo x

Numpty said...

Hey Jo

Thanks so much for your concern! Much appreciated!! ;0))

I am not a fan of anti biotics either so prefer to let an illness run its course. I am up and about today (if a bit pathetic with it!) but if the bug doesn't go away I shall go to a doc next week and gt something when in site 1. You can get drugs easily in India but not always what they say/in the right dose/right for you (they have knocked me out a few times!), but doctor care is free so will bug them if I think is a proper-job infection!!!

Thank you so much and will certainly keep posted about my findings as I go along!

Have fun on your trip!
x J