Thursday 15 January 2009

Oh crap

I am most unamused! I am still ill! For another blinkin' day I am in bed, near a loo, unable to go out and seek the people. I am just dying to go south and do my recce but no way is it happening today, and I am pretty sure it shan't be happening tomorrow either.

If anyone has any tips I would be most grateful. What to do? I didn't eat yesterday apart from the evil coke and crisps for lunch (I know pepsi as good zalfa but no one has any :0( ) and then dinner. So today I am only eating one packet of plain crisps. One. And hopefully it will go away of its own accord. I feel fine in myself which is frustrating, but then again I am catching up on work articles that otherwise would wait till I had some spare time so that's ok. Today I am in super chill-out mode though and not doing a THING. Except reading later of course, and checking emails and writing my fieldwork journal. Other than that, not a THING.

I have spent nearly a month of my time in India being ill I reckon. It doesn't help that I get ill anyway when I am stressed out. Arg I am such a PAIN!

DB has the beginnings of a sore throat too... (well, there is a stone in his throat and pain at the back like a knife has cut it) so I wonder if the trip south is a bit doomed, and I should just call it a day for now?! At the mo we are holed up in a hotel that is twice as much as we usually pay and miles away from real inja (vertically - I can hear it all going on beneath me but can't see it or join in... I can smell it though... Oh how I miss it!) and have been waiting out Pongal to get train tix while getting our work heads on after Goa and working through my illness for the past three days... but nothing is happening until I get well enough for the day-long journey, and we don't know when next available tickets will be (I know, I know, but I didn't realise - being in Goa - that Pongal was quite as huge a festival as it is in TN and so trains are BUSY). Being ill on a busy Indian train and a jolting squat loo would be one of the most unamusing events of my life I have to say - and likely to make me iller w' all the germs and that. So I am thinking about calling it a day on that plan for now and heading down to site 1 instead, recuperating there and paying normal rent rates, there is plain western food (the cause of my original illness I must not forget!) that I am comfortable with (porridge! Muesli!), and I can start working even if it is just watching and learning or talking to someone in a cafe or hawkers on the beach... I can go to the south later. It is inconvenient but it is better than doing nothing... I think this may be the best plan. If we were going to be well tomorrow (DB and I - not the royal 'we') and had train tix then I would defo go south, but feel maybe it is not meant to be right now.

Hmm. This new plan will take some adjusting to - it is quite a turn up for the books. I shall ponder on it for a couple of hours. In bed. Feeling shite. Going to site 1 tomorrow is really something I hadn't considered until this morn.

I don't want to get out of bed :0(

But I want to go to work!

x J

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