Tuesday 10 November 2009

Not quite back yet, but back!

So the in-laws left today which heralds the end of my lovely LOVELY week off; doing nothing but making cakes and stews and cleaning my house and pottering and reading :0) How lovely - lord knows when I shall be abel to do such things again with a baby on the way and a PhD to finish...

So am pretty refreshed and my mind has put my last chapter to bed properly - am a lovely clean slate for the new chapter... Was meant to work today but spent the day sorting the house out from our guests and getting the spare room back to being my office! Tomorrow I am working from 9.30 - 1pm and then off into the City to see DBs new office! He has got an actual office, no more working in the same house together! Am sad about this as I will miss his company (though he is only going in to it about 3 times a week) but is great if it means he leaves his work outside the front door, can work when we have Bean and it will help me work too as I wil be bored on my todd otherwise. No one to distract me or for me to make cups of tea/fancy lunches for!

I have about 3 weeks of full time proper working left before I reconsider according to how I am feeling and it is all going. I will then go part time until the end of term - which is the 18 Dec! So late, is a bit annoying really. On the one hand I am wanting as much time as possible to work, on the other I am so keen to have at least a week to myself again before we are on popping duty - what if I have the baby before the 18 Dec? I would then be going from work to baby without any kind of break which would be sad. So beginning of Dec I think I shall relax more than I work, but keep my hand-in...

Anyway... is so hard not to just be pregnant all the time now - am the size of a bungalow and growing all the time! It is dark and wintery and I am adoring cooking and cleaning and being terribly domesticated. Work doesn't really fit into it! Eek! Don't tell my Sup!

Will work hard tomorrow am - may not be online as I have reading to do that is offline, and thinking too, and don't want to be distracted. Every minute counts at the mo!

x J

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