Saturday 21 November 2009


I heard from my Sup and he sent me such a lovely email!

He reckons my plan to take mat leave from the 1 Dec is very sensible and to spend the time I have left writing down as much as I can, however rough. This I shall do. He also said that he will still be at Uni at the beg of Sept when I return (my new return-to-work date) so I can see him then, instead of worrying now about any official handover to a new team of Sups! *Brilliant*

AND then he said that I can't count on geting rid of him anyway because there is a part time job in the offing for looking after motherly PhD students! - Me! - Wheee! So he isn't going to completely leave me anyway but still be there unofficially (I reckon) to help. Excellent!

This is the best news ever. He doesn't say anything about wanting me to see him before going on Mat leave but tells me to have a lovely time. Not having to go into uni again would be brilliant - is up the most enormous hill, even bigger than my bump! Is a long way for a preggers lady. Am so happy, I can now spend this week writing whatever is in my head and putting my notes away, knowing that is what is best for my return. I can look forward to my mat leave with my Sup's blessing and look forward to my return, being in capable hands. If my Sup is going to help me finish too then I *have* to finish, I was slightly worried about being left to my own devices too much and disappearing off the radar.

Am so pleased, so pleased!

My village is swathed in mist today, it looks like something out of harry potter. Am going to go for a walk and then come home and have a bath and later light the fire and watch silly tele. Much the same tomorrow, then Monday will get writing anything I know that may be of use when I come back in Sept. Next week is my last week! Then am freeeeeee to have my baby. No worries about research groups, about work, about disgruntled supervisors, about being a big fat unproductive skiver.

Hurray! :0)

x J

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