Wednesday 13 October 2010


RIGHTY I am ok. It is all ok.

I have decided:
Monday even' - exercise
Tuesday even' - work, 5.30pm - 9 (for now till am back in the swing of it and can sit still for longer than five minutes)
Wednesday even' - work, 5.30pm - 9
Thursday even' - off (DB likes to exercise then)
Friday afternoon - work 1pm - 5pm
Saturday morning - work 9am - 2pm
Sunday OFF.

This way I have two sets of two days in a row to get some kind of momentum, and I have a designated exercise evening. I don't have to work Monday (yuk, who likes working on Monday?!) and I have about 16 hours a week *to start with* and build up as I get some stamina and flow going ;0). Friday afternoons I plan to go into Uni and to the library, photocopy lots of articles and get out books. This will be a nice time for me to have to myself (who am I kidding, i hate being away from the bubs!) and I can get a fancy coffee and sit in the library and read for a couple of hours. I think it will give my week some structure and also help me have a deadline for books I have to take back/get out and, therefore, read. And because it is Friday, come 5pm I get the train home and am offfffffffffffffff! Nice!

I feel much better with this plan! I did do a bit of reading last night and have *told* DB I am working from 5pm tonight. I do go off Bean duty at 5pm, but won't start work till 5.30 - I need half an hour to myself! I get up with Bean at 6.30/7am so even by 5pm I have done a 10 hour shift. Knackering!

So from nothing and feeling like a right skiving failure, I now have something. 'Something' is very, very big news at the moment :0)

x J

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