Friday 29 October 2010


I've been able to do some work! Hurray!

I started at 9.30, worked until 10.45 when I had a break and got some brekky, then worked from 11 till 12, when I had a lunchbreak that ran over because I had to go out and get my sis a pressie, then started again at 1 and will work until my baby wakes up when I need to pack some clothes for us as we are going away tonight (for said sister's birthday meal) then will work until we leave at 3. I haven't let myself get involved in any babysitting or nappy changing activities, although it was close a couple of times ;0)

So, I have done over two hours of work today which is ace. I have had a few breaks for such a short amount of time but am still getting into having to stay sat down! I am happy to work for an hour with the knowledge I then get to bounce up and do something, and that is good enough for me at the mo.

Am reading through my fieldwork journals and is surprisingly slow going because I actually did some work in India! I didn't realise, but silly stuff like questions about aid houses and stuff that I didn't know about when I went out, I now know so much that I take it for granted as obvious! Is great reading through all my worries and workings-out re: research design and questions and social theory and methods and the volunteering. Is really useful and makes me realise that I would have otherwise done this thinking again while reading through all my notes which would have been a massive waste of time. It is also a really nice way of getting back into work. Quite reminiscent and relaxing yet very important - am taking lots of notes (of my notes)!

Anyway, best get back, just wanted to blather about my happiness. Can't really to DB because he is very tired and worried about work and his VAT return that needs to be done while I am up here taking up his time :0( Though we know why we have this arrangement more than ever; my friend's bubba at nursery is always ill and has a lack eye from falling down some steps (not cool) and my other friend's baby is so devastated at being in nursery (is there full time, a lot for a 10 month old not to see their parents apart from just before work and bedtime) he can't stop being sick and has gone on a hunger strike. Is so sad, how mums have to work because to not means we get absolutely no wage or financial thanks apart from child benefit. If you think how we all put off having babies until we are in our thirties and have a career, a mortgage, a nice car and house etc - then have the baby and realise on maternity leave what a bind it is living on one income to afford all these nice things you built up when you had two healthy disposable incomes... and the Mum just has to go back to work to afford that lifestyle still. Am so happy that DB and I have nowt (though hefty debt c/o my three degrees erk) and so we will build up what we can afford hopefully with me staying at home or working part time.

And am hating the new government. Really really chessed off as a Mum for sure.

Anyway, I digress!

x J

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