Sunday 31 October 2010


Oh dear. My Sup wants to see me on Tuesday still. He wants to know what I am doing with my research findings in India.

Only problem is that I don't actually know. Anything. Not a sausage. Am still reading through my diaries and trying to work out my approach and remind myself what questions I am asking of the interview data! Oh shizzle. I have been crying my eyes out for about half an hour and now reached a point of oh my shi*ting hell what am I going to do. I am seriously stressed because, for a start, getting to uni and back is a problem without my baby as he will need feeding while I am away and I am still his source of milk. I won't be able to get enough for him in time :0( This is very stressful! And also something I don't want to spell out to my (male) sup, lovely though he is I am shy. Also I have no work. I am going to get in trouble. He already knows my childcare is up the spout and I haven't been working as much as I should do so is looking to be reassured by me that I am on top of stuff, even marginally. But I am not.

I don't know what to do. DB is being really supportive, saying he thinks I engineered this situation because I could have been working much more than I have and spent my time when we went South visiting friends and looking for houses while I should have been working. Like I went all that way not to see anyone, how rude would that be. And I did try and work, leaving Bean with Grandma but she couldn't look after him, he would just cry. That DB didn't even notice this speaks volumes to me. Like I want to be in this mess. I do confess that I have seen it coming. But I have tried and tried to talk to DB, to get him to help me and let me work to no avail and I can't do this, do the housework, cook all the meals and look after Bean full time without help. It's been like a runaway train. I hoped that when this did happen DB would see that I am not coping, that there is a point to my nagging, that I can't work without help. But instead I am being told off for not coping and not engineering better work situations for myself. I complain to him so much I am sick of myself. So I shut up and stay quiet, waiting for him to notice for himself and he just doesn't. So we must move house so I can have someone else look after him but if I look for houses I am in trouble (he doesn't look ever). Basically DB thinks I don't try to work enough. Maybe I should go on strike and stop cooking, cleaning and looking after Bean so he can see what not working is actually like. It is a very busy and tiring life! I adore looking after my baby but it is tiring and I need some chuffing support.

I feel better for letting that out. But am bored, bored of saying it. I want to leave actually. At least then I am only picking up my socks from the floor and washing my dishes when I am, apparently, skiving. Am so low :0(

Ok so what shall I do about Tuesday morning? I suppose I shall have to see what I can rustle up. My head is in a stressed fug of horror. It is halloween I suppose.

x J


Anonymous said...

Hi Jayney,

What are your plans for after the PhD? Do you plan to work (ft/pt) or be a full time mum? If the latter, maybe your best bet would be to go part time with the PhD as overall you'd still get the same amount of money just more spread out. Being a full time mum is just that - full time - so it's no wonder it's so difficult to fit in any PhD work - you shouldn't feel bad about it. Obviously it all depends on your finances etc and the disadvantage is you'd be dragging it out but p/t would mean if you got Grandma to muddle through with looking after him just 2 days a week you'd be fine. He'd probably be better with her when he gets used to it (and it beats being in a nursery like so many babies are). I really hope you sort something out soon. Good luck for the meeting with your supervisor.

Sarah x

Numpty said...

Hey Sarah
Thanks for your kind words :0) I have thought about going part time and even said I wanted to do that to my Sup but he thought I was mad to be stringing it out. I do actually agree, I am so close to finishing now and just need to get it done, it's just all the logistics of the childcare that we are sorting through but I hope that between me and DB and a childminder come Jan (when Bean is one) for a couple of mornings it'll be fine. I can't be doing this for another 18 months - can't afford to cut my wage in half at all, and anyway I want to get married and have another baby and be freeeee - none of which will happen until I am doctored up ;0)

It's so hard but I reckon it'll be ok come Christmas. Just going through a rough (rough, rough, rough) and tough and boring and narky patch. Without this work all would be so much better!

Better get on anyway, am now definitely skiving...

thanks again, really appreciate your help and advice
Jayney x