Wednesday 6 April 2011

Baby home...

Arf the baby has come home this afternoon with a hige huge bump on his head.

He knocked it yesterday (toddler?  Toddle-over more like!!!  fnarrrr) and then again today in the same spot so has the biggest biggest bump on his forehead I have ever seen.  I am not worried about him; he is totally fine and napping at the mo, but have made an appt to see the doc just in case.  The skin is tight around it and I wonder about headaches and if we need to keep an eye on him.  We are meant to be going out tonight and I wouldn't want to leave him if he was poorly.  That would be jolly bad form!

Sooo, I did do some work this morning and did a lot of work while babysitting last night.  I didn't eat the m and ms, but instead scoffed a muffin and packet of hula hoops ;0)  Am going great guns and starting to get some momentum and feel back in the land of thinky people...  I did however have a wee tearful outburst this morning at DB as the house is a stinky state and I just do NOT have time to sort it all on my own.  He has got the message and has soothed me with all sorts of lovely promises.  And then we went out for breakfast to cheer ourselves up, which was just lovely, lovely.  Is so easy eating out without a baby grabbing everything, or getting bored, or chucking food on the floor, or banging the table with his tippy mug, or trying to pull off the tablecloth!  And we could talk!  To each other!  Miracles :0)

I am working now then, as Bean is napping, and will go out tonight, or stay in and read.  I am off to the library tomorrow.  My Uni is sooooo skanky I hate going in.  And it's up a ginormous hill.  Bah.  the books though, what lovely lovely books!  I can't wait to have them and read them and be knowledgeable.  Now I have got into the literature the debates are starting to make themselves known and, rather than showing up my lack of knowledge, is providing a fertile ground for the development of further knowledge. 

Cheers to that.

x J

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