Thursday 14 April 2011

Bit better

Am a bit better today.  Not quite as blue.  I really don't know what is up with me, am just so moody and down.

I have to think that this will just be a hard year, and that it would be hard with or without external stresses.  I dunno.  Today I am going to get the intro of this book I am reading finished and this evening I want to finish the conclusion.  Hopefully that is all I will need of this book then I can move on.  The amount of literature I have to read for this lit review is utterly overwhelming.  Never ending.  In my mind it will take months - at this rate especially!  Maybe I have to move my goals for when I expect to submit to December.  The thing is people keep asking me 'when are you going to finish?' and so I say a date and the date keeps moving and I can tell people are losing faith that I will finish and it is disheartening.  I will stop saying dates ;0)

I need to be mentally stronger.  I need to 'dig in' and get on with it. 

I am sorry for being whiny.  I am a bit of a nightmare at the mo but hopefully the cloud will lift soon - it usually does ;0)

Triathlon on Sunday!  And a house viewing on Sat at a house I am really excited about but so is everyone around these parts it seems as there has been a waiting list to view it!  Eek!  It has four bedrooms which would mean DB and I would have our own studies...  This would be amazing for me psychologically - a room that neither he nor Bean have reason to come in and muck up.  All mine.  And on the second floor so I would be away from general house noise and not feel the need to go and interject should Bean sound mardy...  I want it!

It was interesting reading around yesterday about how other Mums cope with young kiddies and doing a PhD.  Generally we all seem to work as and when but never for long periods of time.  Short chunks and not at all full time either, which is reassuring because I feel awful that I don't work full time hours.  Sort of 15-25 hours a week seems average.  I should take heart from this rather than feeling like a loser.  I adore my Sup, he has been amazing to me, but essentially he is a man and a rather old skool one at that and I don't think he understands how to support someone in my situation.  Instead he has cut the ties when in fact I need more supervision than ever!  And he is only losely affiliated with Uni now so I don't feel that anyone is officially looking out for me any more.  I feel adrift and a bit lonely and lost.  And this really isn't helping!  I am a 32 eyar old woman though, and should technically be on the downhill stage on the PhD so should just stop acting like a sulky teenager.

Ok.  Am off to make tea, have a think and then get to work :0)

x J

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