Tuesday 29 January 2013

Fingers crossed...

The 18 March has now been mooted.

Oh please, please let this be the date!  I can totally make that; I will be 31/32 weeks preggo instead which is totally manageable.  I will have weeks to do corrections too. 

Please be the date!  A room has been booked for 10am so I really am hopeful this is it :)  I have my birthday on the 21st, then my bestest friends are coming to visit me from London in my new abode before I pop another childer and become a complete recluse...  and so we decided to also have our housewarming that weekend.  So will be a big celebration of loveliness (even tho I might have lots of rewriting which would be depressing.)  But then it could be nice to celebrate not having to do another viva?!  I guess I only have the one, and then do the corrections and get the degree?

Lordy, I don't actually know!

x J


Bryallen said...

I really hope you get that date!

I think you only have one viva, although I'm not sure either. Someone asked me today how long the thesis has to be and I didn't know that either!! Oh well, I'm sure I'll discover that in a few years!

I am getting on ok, thanks. Had a meeting with my supervisor today which was a bit depressing because my data from the past month doesn't show anything interesting, but hey, I had to do the experiment to find that out! (and I will be re-doing it too!)

Numpty said...

You are right, is all part of the process and can be so disheartening finding out data doesn't yield the results you hoped for. But as you say, that is a result in itself!

Good luck :)

x J