Thursday 17 January 2013

Life post-submission update

We have pretty much got the house in the South so will be moving away from studentville for proper next month!

is crackers and exciting and strange. 

But mostly I wanted to say that now I have been finished for a couple of weeks, I feel differently than I thought.  Because people ask me 'ah!  Do you feel much better now you have finished?!'  And I say, 'oh yes'.  But actually, I don't feel 'better' as such...  I feel sane, my brain feels cleaner and I am a lot happier to be around.  I really am much better company.  But mostly I feel NORMAL and wonder how on EARTH I ever did my PhD and live my life as I do now!  :)  I am knackered after looking after Bean all day, how on earth did I do this and then work in the evening?  And at the weekend?!  How did I do house stuff and watch Beanie and worry about him like I do, and worry about work at the same time and not go crackers?!  I honestly don't know how I did it.

And I thought i would miss the time to myself that I had as part of the PhD, while beanie was with the childminder.  But I really don't.  When I do have time to myself I do relish it/wonder what to do with myself but in the main I am really glad I don't have to take him to the childminder any more.  I love taking him to nursery (he started preschool this week, his first 'institutional' daycare experience) because he loves it, and it is all about him - not because i have to work when I know he would rather be with me...  But I am loving my freedom to try different groups with him and take each day as it comes.  It really is lovely.

But yeah, rather than being grateful to NOT be doing it, mostly I wonder how I ever did do it!  If anyone said to me now - work on a PhD and do what you do now - I would baulk and say absolutely no way could I do that!

But I did and thank GOD it won't come back.  even corrections cannot be the same as writing the bugger :)  Finishing is brilliant! 

x J

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