Sunday 14 December 2008

I see light!

What a magic weekend I have had!

I have been in such a fuddle about my work, not knowing where to turn next with the research, and also being so concious of wasting time, thinking and being paralysed by stress, when the clock is tick-tick-ticking away! I only have till april. I only have till april. And all the time, worrying about the next stage of the work.

But I have been thinking and thinking and writing and writing (found out don't have to write my field journal for other peeps to read! Phew!!!) and have worked myself out of my hole for now. I am planning to leave my vol position unless they give me work directly related to Tsunami projects. I have done a month, I can do no more there. I am going to get an interview though, this week (hopefuly tomorrow!) and contacts from chief gatekeeper, who was actually out to dins with me and a friend (and other friends woot!) on Thurs. But she is leaving the org! So I have to get the info out of her asap! So I will either work where I am but on relevant projects and talking to aid recipients, or I will leave to go interviewing other peeps and join a library etc etc. I have also decided to make my next field-site a proper ethnog case study. I just don't know for how long so emailed my Sup for some advice on how appropirate it will be when I am leaving in April (if no visa extension) and whether one case study would be cool over two or three. I dunno.

Have also been reading like crazy and found brilliant reports and newspaper articles on the corruption rife here and about aid and the Tsunami and about my case study land. WOOT!

I feel so much more settled.

I have also been writing interview questions tonight. They are *hard*!!! For some reason I had a nice idea that I would just need to write a couple out to guide me, and otherwise let the conversation steer itself, but there still needs to be a lot of discipline!! I have written them out so many times. I have about 5/6 and will have follow up q's to go with. I shall see how they work tomorrow - I am on a mission to find the lady whose name I have as a contact for the organisation's aid effort, so then I know where I am with the organisation as a whole. I can't wait to get out of my office! It is depressing!

Well, I better go. I have been bitten twice since I started this (grrrrr) and DB needs the wireless internet stick. I need to get back to my Tsunami corruption stories. Damn but why can't people just behave?!!!

So long!

x J

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