Tuesday 16 December 2008

What a good day!

Today has been a great day! I got a rickshaw for a reasonable amount to work, and I got an interview this morning! I bit the bullet and went on the hunt for this person who was the key to my immediate future. I found out some info for my work, but not as much as I would like - she was pretty distracted and tired, and my questions weren't really doing it for her. I need to work on this, but being less nervous would help (I didn't act nervous though, but knew I was, and a bit panicky).

Anyway, she did tell me a lot about the aid org I am working with, and basically there is no real future for me here. Most of their work was wrapped up in the relief stage so there are no projects I can actively 'work on', or with. However, they do have a couple of programmes ongoing, and I am going to see these with them on xmas eve! and I have a contact of the guy who implemented them (yay!) who is an aussie who has been here for ten years (double hurray! - we speak the same language!). He is back in Jan so... anyway, the project is near my new Jan abode, a couple of hours south. That it is so far away will give me a chance to talk to them about the org and the tsunami in the car/bus on the way down I hope soooo... xmas should be a good day, feeling relaxed and on top of stuff.

I am super pleased about this! Now I just need to work out whether to leave the org this week, or next. I would stay until the end of next week, and have a neat break with xmas. But I need to speak to this academic guy asap. I need to be organising it now, before the lead gets cold and he thinks I am a rude arse/goes on leave. What to do?! I feel rude saying I am off at the end of this week. But I also need to go to the library and everything, while I am in Chennai and it is all here for me.

I wonder if I should just bite the bullet and say I am going. But that feels so abrupt and I know my manager will be confused.


Generally though, the work is going well (at all!) and I just cannot wait for my holiday on 2 Jan. Being at work *all the time* is exhausting on the brain.

I am going to go out for a nice dinner tonight to celebrate my proactivity! Yaya!


Should I stay or should I go now?
The decision's bugging me...
If I stay there will be trouble!
If I go there may be double...
So come oooon and let me knooowowowowww

la la laaaaa.

x J

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