Monday 6 September 2010

Back to School!

Righty, I am officially back! I have not cried today and have set up my little desk in the corner of my office and actually like my new surrounds. I can't believe this is where I am going to finish my PhD...

I am now at a sort of stuck bit. I have so much to do, I don't know where to start! I am completely confused. I have to admit that I am also a bit hungover today which isn't helping. It's terrible isn't it? Hungover on my first day back! Yesterday I was really sad so DB took me to a festival up the road and we sat with bubs, a burger and chips and some cider and watched the Levellers and Seasick Steve and just relaxed together. It was so lovely and I got a bit tipsy. Then we came home, I cried, drank red wine and ate a chinese takeaway. Had a terrible night's sleep as you can imagine after red wine and MSG... and am dopey today. Bad rabbit.

Soooooooooooooooooo what to do? I have until 6pm then I am off! My house is quiet - DB has taken Bean out for a trip to the shops. I have to say, I have actually enjoyed today so far. This morning was lovely; I really appreciated my time with bubs but am also enjoying this time for being able to just sit down and have the luxury of just doing one thing at a time! No one is clamouring for my attention, I am alone and it is peaceful. I could get into this I reckon. Wouldn't it be odd if it turned out that the time I spend doing my PhD is actually, ahem, comparitively relaxing? Hehe!

Ok. I think I am going to turn the laptop off and try and do some planning in my PhD Brain. (It is a book, not an actual brain. Fnar.)

I am selling a lot of clothes on ebay at the mo, from when I came back from India being ridiculously skinny, and am really very chuffed to have made a tenner so far. Hurray!

anyway. Laters y'all.

I can't believe I am back. Can't believe it!

x J

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