Friday 17 September 2010

I disappeared!

Hehe, I disappeared! I have been working, but not with my laptop and have been avoiding the internet at night as it stresses me out! Hence no post.

BUT work is going ok! Well, it didn't go at all for a few days - more like a week - as DB had a huge contract deadline so I had to look after Bean. But I did do bits and bobs (which was about all I could do in my first week back after ten months off!) and was back on Tuesday. Met my Sup too and my new deadline for Sept next year is perfect according to him and he says I am well on the way to completion. What a relief!! I so thought he was going to put the frighteners on me because I have a baby and might be a bit preoccupied with him to work (true). I think - shallow tho it may seem - that the fact that I had just had my hair cut and that I am not massively fat or knackered looking and was wearing fashionable clothes (yes it is possible ladies out there) might have helped me quite a bit as he seemed a bit surprised and pleased that I was looking so well and, sadly I suppose for more knackered mums, 'with it'. We talked about writing up and he said about how if I have writer's block to remember that
a) Writing a PhD is very hard and part of what getting a PhD is all about and
b) I should only try and do three sentences when I am stuck. Just three, in a whole day and not ask too much of myself or beat myself up.
This was lovely advice and has made me feel so much better about it all. He also said that examiners will read the introduction very closely, so get that right, and also the conclusion and references. The rest they will skim read! They will generally read the introductions for each chapter too, but won't quibble over details too much - they are looking for a thesis and what backs up that thesis, a process of thought and of development. This was great to hear! Makes it all seem so much less daunting.

Then we talked about the VIVA and he said that at a uni in Oz they don't even have a VIVA - just hand in and walk away. This made me realise how important I think the VIVA is, even though I am very scared of it it is also a very important part of the process - it is where I get to explain and defend my thesis. I look forward to talking about it and hope I am aware enough of what I have said and why to be able to defend it :0) Blinkin' better be anyway.

So all in all a great chat, and am feeling all confident and pleased. As I always do after a meet with my Sup - I am very lucky I don't have one of those supervisors who gets off on making your PhD life difficult. My friend has one of those and she is always stressed and unhappy, whereas I have not yet been unhappy in mine. Very lucky indeedy!

Right, I better get back to work! Is Friday, I cannot believe it. At the mo I am working on catching up on my literature review and collating the info from my fieldwork. It is quite sad and made me cry yesterday, the work I do is sad sometimes. I have all this information and should use it to chase people up who have let very vulnerable people down and made them and their families even more vulnerable. But, I am a researcher. Maybe when the work is finished. At least the fieldwork did good while I was doing it even if the info is a bit impotent in my hands at the moment...

Am going to exercise tomorrow morning, then am working, and then I am going to drink beer and listen to bands at my village festival. Lovely! Oh, and my baby is crawling so will spend the weeked probably forgetting about that and leaving him on the floor to scoot off and find mischief when my back is turned ;0) I made him a beanie hat yesterday - has taken about 3 weeks of crocheting and unravelling, one beanie actually turned into a sun hat. A woolly sun hat! WTF?!

x J


Anonymous said...

Hi Jayney,
Glad returning to the PhD is going well. I'm about to start a PhD in London and am quite likely to have a baby before I finish so am really interested in how you are getting on with it all. I don't know anyone who has done this to ask about it!
Sarah x

Anonymous said...

Hello Jayney
I first came across your blog a while back when I was doing a bit of research into balancing pregnancy and phd, to see if it was feasible. Well now I actually am pregnant, not exactly planned though. The plan was for me to submit my final draft in May, but instead, all things going well, I shall be delivering a baby rather than a thesis. It has been really great to read back through your experiences whilst pregnant and appreciated your focus on your work rather than your pregnancy, although am finding it very difficult to do that at the moment. I should be working now but have spent all morning trawling the net for pregnancy info. I want to get as much work done as possible now, especially as I am doing my PhD part time alongside lecturing, but am finding it hard. The fact that I am trying to tackle the dreaded methodology chapter is probably also a factor! I am finding it really hard keeping the news a secret - I've had several dreams about lying to my work colleagues. Fingers crossed everything will be OK and I can come clean at 12 weeks (another month to wait!)

Numpty said...

Hi sarah, thanks for your comment! Have a baby and doing a PhD is just dandy for me so far BUT I am funded so not struggling for cash, and I have done all the work, am just writing up so I cannot possibly say what it would be like at any other time of the PhD. All I *can* say with any certainty is that things always work out :0)
Take care,

Numpty said...

Hallo Anon! *Congratulations* on your pregnancy! And on keeping it quiet - I was only a month gone and I had to tell my Sup! I just couldn't not let him know. Seems daft now considering...
ANYWAY, I was exactly the same - having my bubs has put me nine months behind my scheduled hand in date. I finished my research when I was preggers (well, as you may know this being a blog and all lol) and am just writing up now ('just' hehe). I have to confess I didn't work as much as I should have done when pregnant as I also spent all my days looking at pregnancy info and books and clothes and names and forums... It was a nightmare, I felt so guilty and was delighted when I decided not to pretend any more and to go on maternity leave. But this is a PhD blog so of course, I write PhD stuff ;0) My concentration was out of the window too - I basically just about kept it together until I did my conference presentation at 30 weeks, then it all fell apart and I just daydreamed and hoped against hope that when I came back to it I would be my 'old' self ;0). I *am* back at it now though and really, I don't feel that I jeopardised anything time wise so is ok (have added on three months but that's all). Don't stress too much about working your butt off now, just plod along and do what you can when you can - this is what most PhDs do anyway isn't it?! Just without the afternoon naps ;0) (Oh, and write as much as you can think of before it falls out of your head - not neatly or concisely, just blather as this will cue you on your return, and leave yourself lots of notes re: reading lists etc. These have been invaluable for helping feel I have a 'hook' to help me back into work.)
Congrats again and please come back and tell me how you are doing!