Wednesday 22 September 2010


Sooo, I have stopped trying to work in the daytime and am now planning to work evenings and weekends! Tonight is my first night and so far I have been in bed for an hour of it with my baby who is seriously teething, bless him, and am posting here then off downstairs to eat dins and probably sit with my bubs who is now up and being cheered up by his father. Awww.

I decided to work in the evenings because daytimes are really needed by DB, as his work does need to be done in working hours, and he has never been so busy. It's such a nightmare, there's no way he can cut his hours. So it only makes sense that I work outside these hours and also when bubs is in bed. Because that is the other side of the story - I can't be in the same house as Bean and hear him cry and not intervene... I know this is Bad but it is physiological, hearing him cry sends my mum receptors wild and I am not an 'ignore him and leave him to cry' type at ALL. Anyway, all I do of an evening is watch tele and read (aka relaxing?!) so I will now work instead, then go downstairs and relax at about 10pm, though as work gains momentum I aim to work later than that. It is also ideal because it takes me a while to get into work and this way I am not wasting anyone's time by being useless and surfing the internet because I can't work out how to start my next section; and I can work for as long as I need to. The fab thing is as well, is that I have all day off with my son; to watch him grow and laugh with him :0) And go to baby groups and hang out with friends and no one is telling me I should be working. I hate morning working anyway, I'm too tired and lazy. I am a night owl - as anyone who has a vague knowledge of this blog knows ;0) Only problem is getting into it, it being late in the day and my brain naturally wants to think about eating something stodgy and sitting on my arse. And of course, what if my baby decides not to sleep... But he always sleeps is just tonight he is being a little weirdo :0)

Apart from my new working hours, yesterday I managed to plan out my lit review and to my huge satisfaction it is a) coming together and b) looks quite interesting. Only problem is the amount of work I have to do to revise and catch up on reading... eek! Sooooooo much! But I am reading solidly this week and the next two, then I shall see where I am at with it. Then I do hope to have finished the bulk of the reading I have to do. I do have planned to then work on a different chapter, but that seems daft as I will be ready to write up this one for at least the first draft.

Well, I better go. I don't think I am going to get any work done tonight but mainly because I don't think the PhD will collapse if I miss a day. Though saying that... To be honest, the baby has to come first but the PhD is a close second :0)

Till tomorrow then,

Night night!
x J

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