Tuesday 28 September 2010

Don't ask...

Did I work over the weekend? A bit.
Did I work this evening? A bit.

Oh dear. It isn't good enough! I have so much to do and am not doing it :0( In the evenings I am tired and still have house stuff to do... the weekend it is too noisy in our little cramped house (that I love). I wonder if I will get my act together. I am particularly stressed too because we are going away for five days to a friend's wedding down south (I am bridesmaid! Bridesmaid oh yes). Five whole days. It will be a month since I 'started' work when I get back and I would have done about 5 hours! Oh my God.

I need to pull my finger out, I only have 11 months left. ANd my reading list is getting longer and longer - which ironically I find really exciting and reassuring, and can't wait to get stuck into the reading. But, but, but.

Am going to go to bed and think and tomorrow I shall work :0) Maybe I need to set an amount of work to do, rather than a time? So I say, do this tonight/read this article. And then I do it and finish. Maybe that will be better. My time is so fractured between seeing to my baby who wakes a few times during the evening and needs a bit of comfort to settle again, between eatng and tidying up... I don;t just sit down and switch off at all. The only time I will be able to do this is weekends I reckon (as I get into it). And Friday afternoons I have too.

It didn't help that DB didn't get in until 6.30 tonight and I am meant to start work at 5. I am the kind of person that needs to start work when I say I am going to, or it sets off on a bad foot you know? DB can work anywhere, anytime. I can't. I am not very flexible! But I absolutely have to be or I will spoend the next 11 months waiting for a 'good time' to work!

Right, tomorrow I will work.

Ohhhh. I feel there is so much to do i don't know where to start!

At the beginning... find a paper, sit and read it, note refs, move on to the next one.
x J

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