Tuesday 17 February 2009

Arrrg stressed!

I have so much to do!! we are at my 'in-law's' in Cornwall... I am struggling with everyday life, I keep feeling so sad or even tearful at the most inopportune moments, and DB is in his element here with all his friends so it's all rather lonely.

He has looked after me so well this past week and so I can't really badger him for more attention so am going it alone. But it is so lonely! I have no friends here, no one I can really talk to - all those from when I lived here have left/been split up with by DB's male friends. I just want to go home - but I have no home!! So have been frantically house hunting and DB is trying to get us a car to get up north with to find this home. we are planning to see stuff at the end of this week. I can only cross my fingers. I have found a lot of 'Ah! how lovely! It is in budget! Oh, a single spare room...' places that we are going to see anyway...

Work wise I can't concentrate on anything. I want to, but am so conscious of other immediate things that I can't think. I said that I would be full speed by the end of the week, which is pretty much all I can hope for at the mo.

I think I will go out for a run. Well, extremely slow jog in all my clothes (I have no exercise clothes!). Try and jiggle about and feel better - all this western food of bread and fat is making me feel so sluggish! Although I did not prefer Indian food it is soooooooo much better for you!!

There is such a grumpy atmosphere here all the time. I don't like it and want to go where there are terms of endearment and hugs and red wine and laughing and music and you aren't noticed so much.

I just need a faffing cuddle. One I don't have to ask for you know?

x J

Ps I have found a job that I really want to do here for after my PhD! well, an organisation I want to work for. I am excited! I shall schmooze over the next 18 months... I would adore to move here if I had my *own* home and friends. Love, love, love.

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