Saturday 28 February 2009

Sleepy Sat'dee

Ah today has been a lovely Saturday... reading the paper and not really got dressed properly yet. Ace.

Shame this b and b room is so darned cold though! I read solidly about torture techniques and vileness for six hours yesterday in bed, it is that cold in the day here! Then DB and I went out for some cider and had a lovely evening chewing the fat. Bit dopey today but a-ok. Daydreaming about my house again. I am completely obsessed. I want to get in so soon!! I hope we can move next weekend - I have friends who want to come and see me the weekend afterwards (yay!) to christen mah new housey and for a pre-beeday celeberation so i hope we are moved in! My ma is probably coming to stay for some time after that weekend, she is feeling very blue after the death of my Dad and I am worried about her and think my new housey will be a fabulous antidote. It is cosy and cute and right by the canal and glen for walks and head-clearingness. We are going away for my birthday (apparently?! DB has not organised anything but because it is my beeday I have been ordered out of any organising. Is killing me!) so she can have the place to herself for a few days which might be nice considering she doesn't really have a home in the UK at the moment.

And workwise I am cramming in the reading as much as possible - and am getting new leads in the paper every day which is great for my PhD, but sad for the possible state of the world :0( . The work I do is so depressing sometimes and makes me such a cynical old goat. Because I work in humanitarianism and world politics I cringe whenever Bono et al come on screen and so am getting pyschologically geared up for the shallow sob-and-pity fest that is Comic Relief. yes, I am so cynical I have issues with comic relief (a massive multi-charity fundraiser in the UK held every other year for those in other lands. It raises millions and everyone gets involved. Everyone but me that is. I just sit analysing the discourses and themes - as a PhD student is wont to do. Continuously and forever, unless inebriated or asleep. Maybe). I will have to work very hard in all hours i can really. No more fixed hours - I feel like I can see the finish line now and so am ratcheting it up for this six month stretch. I want to read and write like bonkers, and then go to India and finish the research (yaya!) then come back and work and get pregnant and hand in. It won't work like that but hey, it is a plan, and plans are always good. I am meeting my Sup on weds so should work out something to talk about. Well, I have lots to talk about but I need to structure it so I don't waffle or miss the important points. After the meeting we are having a chap from a big ol' publishers come and give us a talk about how to publish our PhDs. I would just wet myself if I got my PhD published. It is my ultimate goal. Wet. My. Self.

I am going to go for a walk in a min, then come back and snuggle (not in a romantic by-the-fireside way, more in a grinch-tramp kind of way with gazillions of jumpers and socks on to keep out the cold) and watch 'come dine with me'. Truly, it is my new favourite programme which I scorned for many years but have now come to recognise its sarcastic genius. I loves it.

Oh, and I will read the rest of the book about torture and evil politicians.

Hmmph DB is going to the gym instead of coming for a walk with me. Going on my own seems a bit pointless? Just walking. On my own. Hmm.

x J

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