Friday, 30 May 2008

Big Fat Toad

Bleugh, yesterday afternoon, there I was minding my own business and doing some gardening (actually pulling up manky weeds to appease the landlord), walking to the garage with my arms full of rubbish and then SPLAT! I looked down to my left and there was this toad, splayed out right by my foot. Eugh it was disgusting. I just looked at it and went 'Oh my blo*dy god'. What, I mean WHAT would have happened if it landed a little to the right? On my HEAD?! blughhhheee yuk eugh. It makes me jitter thinking about it. The toad was fine by the way, just skulked off after its crash landing. I expect it was all embarrassed, I am sure it hadn't meant to fly from such a height (seriously, it must have fallen out of the gutter which is at the top of the house).

Today I am fairly sore from wrestling with yesterday's evil weeds. I caught a look at myself yesterday before I headed into the wilderness, with my hair all nice, in my skinny jeans, ballet shoes and MP3 firmly locked into my ears, and I really resembled a townie young-person who has been made to 'go country' for half an hour. (In fact I am not a townie but never mind...) I have to say that gardening is actually a disgusting habit. You have these really sweet old people and prim ladies all gardening away and it looks like such a genteel pastime. But it's digusting! I was keeping very close company with mud, woodlice, ants, spiders, snails, midgies, flies... And it made me rather sweaty and had a nice layer of grub all over me. Filthy, mucky little habit. Stay away! Thinking on it, maybe you have different types of gardener. Me, being the novice, am a feral gardener, snuffling about amongst weeds and crustaceous beings, while my neighbour, who spends most of her leisure time carefully hoeing and weeding away, must be some kind of refined lady-gardener. She is always two inches away from the earth being busy busy but has ne'er a hair out of place and isn't shiny with sweat and grunting with effort. Or covered with mud or batting off flies. Hmmmm.

I ought to do some work later. We'll see. I have Britain's Got Talent all recorded and ready to go which will take up most of my afternoon...

x J

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