Saturday, 17 May 2008

Oh Yeah...

Wooo! It's Saturday morning, and here I am working away! YEAH! Sat down about half nine after being a total grump to DB. Bless him, there he is in the kitchen going 'Would you like some toast?'. Me: No thanks (can't eat super early or while physically working). DB: 'Would you like some eggs?' Me: No! Snappy snappy. It's cause I really didn't want to think about Saturday things and although he was being lovely I was hearing: DB: 'SO! You have to work! WORK! Rubbish! Let us sit together and eat a lovely lazy breakfast and read the paper and eat eggsies and then have a bath and etc etc.' This was creating a huge amount of conflict within my little PhD-hardened soul so I snapped and ran away with my laptop and cup of coffee, shut my door and have been hiding since. Which sounds dramatic but actually, it has been half an hour.

Still though! Half an hour is never to be scoffed at.

Working, then off to gym laters for a bit. Then there is some football final on which promises to be good. DB will be watching and so will I. I don't know if it will be boozy or not, I don't think so... Which would be For The Best considering.

Better get back to it then! YEAH! WORKING! WOOHOO!!

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