Thursday, 29 May 2008

Malaria Tips

So intrepid researcher, you are off, off and away on travels soon. So, courtesy of my local NHS here are some handy tips to avoid getting malaria:

'Garlic, Vitamin B and ultrasound devices WILL NOT protect you against malaria.

Eating marmite or any other savoury yeast extract spread WILL NOT prevent malaria.

Staying in a four or five star hotel, WILL NOT stop you getting bitten or contracting malaria. Mosquitoes don't discriminate.

Drinking gin and tonic WILL NOT stop you getting bitten or contracting malaria.'

So there you are folks, all you thought you knew in fact you don't. Wipe away those daydreams of supping a G and T, ultrasound device for company on the balcony of your germ-free, five star residence, all the while keeping the mossies at bay. Totally useless. This advice makes me chuckle because it so clearly and succinctly represents the British classist notion that if you 'do posh' then you will be safe. I LOVE the idea of the diplomat and his wife in India, in their khaki colonial outfits in their posh hotel that keeps not just natives at bay, but deadly virus-carrying mossies too. Hehe.

Am starting my jabs next week for my trip in Sept! I can't wait. DB is coming with too, which is ace. He works for himself from home so is fairly flexible. We both love travelling. I would hate to do it without him, it would be like losing a limb for the six months and I would be horribly homesick. I am a pretty independent and strong person I would say, but being without The Boy is harsh (we've been together over 8 years...). He's my best bud and I would spend the whole experience really wishing he was there to see it and experience it with me. This way it will be fun and work at the same time. I don't buy into the idea that fieldwork (oooh that word, again) needs to be miserable, hard work, and 'gritty' for it to be good. I really can't wait to go. Just to stop writing for a while if nothing else! Also, this is a secret (!!) but we may start trying for a family next year when we get home. Much to the chagrin of many PhDers who work their clever hinies off to get a PhD, being funded means I can have six months paid maternity leave which is then added to the end of the research period... Jammy eh? As I said, DB works at home and is hoping to go part time next year so he will be on hand as much as me which is fabulous. We shall see eh?! I think he is getting cold feet now the time is getting closer dear reader, but never, EVER underestimate the power of a woman with baby lust who is knocking-on. EVER.

That's all folks!

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