Wednesday, 14 May 2008

The First Day


Today has been pretty useless so far. I have some bits and bobs that I need to complete for the transfer viva which I have been tackling so that's good I suppose. I am trying to work on my chapter though and feeling soooo sleepy. It's that time of the afternoon. Or that day of the week/month of the year more like. I got a lovely cup of coffee to work with and wake me up but instead it has been keeping me company while I work out my next move on scrabulous... Oh dear.

I work from home mostly. I don't like uni much, the uni itself is ugly, the library is knackered and we have no special office for PhDs. Well, we do, but it's like the library so no good for me. Also, I am super-chatty and if I were at uni I would do no work, just keep chatting to the person next to me, going on coffee breaks and then getting all hyper and more chatty, then sweaty and eventually, anxious (am super-sensitive to caffiene). No good. I don't know how anyone gets any work done. I was told that if I worked from home then I wouldn't get a PhD as I would watch tv and eat all the time. Actually it isn't like that at all. I hate daytime tv, it makes me feel like such a loser watching it (no idea why, it isn't loserish tele or owt) and also incredibly guilty. I watched too much daytime tv as a student (when I was a proper student in the 90s, skiiving and drinking constantly) and so I think I am conditioned to feel bad when I watch tele in the day. And I just don't snack at home. I would snack more at uni or work out of feeling sorry for myself. Full-time job = misery = maltesers and walkers. Working from home I can do what I like, when I like. So I usually don't. In fact, to make matters even more smug, I go to the gym most days, or run or something. I have to because uni does make me stressed, however sunny I am feeling, and exercising sorts this out a treat.

Wow I am really enjoying this. Hmmm. I suppose no one likes anything more than chatting inanely about oneself. How vain and annoying! This is probably no less insane than if I were to be found sat on the floor in a corner having a good old chat to myself, and, oh lord, actually finding myself AMUSING. Oh dear. But thankfully because it is a 'blog' it is a-ok.

Better get back to the busy cycle of the cutting and the pasting and the pressing of the 'undo' button that is today's work effort.

Ciao! J x

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