Sunday, 25 May 2008


Waiting waiting waiting. I should hear from my sup today about the chapter. I read some of it yesterday and there are so many things wrong with it. I made the fatal error (now learned) of writing it and rewriting when I was too close to the material. I should have totally finished it ready to hand in then a) got my sup to check it, like, two weeks ago; or b) given myself five odd days off then come back to it toally fresh-eyed, objective, and able to place the argument and its contexts and themes in the broader picture. This means I would have noticed typos and gaps in explanations. I always worry about 'filling in the gaps' when rereading my work - when you know the material sooooo well that things may be missing but you can fill in those gaps and therefore assume the info is there for others to read. Space away from it would sort this out. Great stuff to know now eh?...

The thing is that this chapter is sooooo conceptually important and has so many themes and threads of info that if the writing isn't fluent then the reader may get lost and be like, 'Well, it looks interesting enough but I just can't read it!' Am so afeared of the thought of al these intellectuals trying to read my work and being disappointed in me producing such nonsense, and confused. This means Tues will be hard.

x J

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