Thursday 28 June 2012

Late Night

It was a late one last night!

I couldn't sleep for fretting about this lit review chapter, I really didn't want to waste another day chasing my tail.  In the end I planned it out loud :)  I pretended I was trying to tell DB why I was doing my research and where my ideas had come from and it worked!  Then I scribbled it down and now I have a plan of sorts.  I have also realised that a bit of one chapter I haven't felt entirely comfortable about but really want in my research might actually be better suited in the lit review.  This is exciting, like a complicated jigsaw where I have the wrong piece in the wrong place but don't know it, just kind of feel it is wrong.

So today I am writing this plan into a more formal plan, seeing if that bit of chapter can be lifted into the lit review and then gathering together the relevant literature.  This will do FOR NOW - if I want to fiddle/refine more I can do this at a later date, for now I need to start getting into writing.  I think if I work out the subsections of this chapter, get the lit necessary from my piles and work from that, putting in quotes and ideas and just writing basically, that should be good enough.

I don't mind if I don't get any writing done today but would really like to start this weekend.  I will probably work on saturday night, into the night, again instead of taking any lovely precious weekend time up with my family.  To be honest I need their company!  I spend a LOT of time alone at the moment, or with DS and crave grown up company.  A chat!  A laugh!  I just wonder if I am not very chatty and laughy because at this stage of the PhD you just...  aren't.

Today I have a packet of crisps and a mahousive bag of peanut m and ms to keep me company.  I am also planning to do my 30 day shred dvd which is an evil exercise dvd but only takes 20 mins apparently.  I can do that.  Although it really is meant to be nasty!

laters yo.

x J

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