Wednesday, 28 May 2008

I passed, I passed, I passed!

WOOOO! Ladies and Gents, I am not such a loser after all. I am now a reins-free, grown-up, PhD estudiante. Yesterday morning I drank coffee, read my notes, tried on lots of different outfits in a bid to find my most I-didn't-make-a-special-special-effort-but-don't-I-look-clever?-outfit, packed my bach 'comfort and reassure' magic potion, pens, highlighters (why?) and glasses. I bravely tackled the elements (got a lift to the train station) and arrived at The Destination. I actually walked the green mile (emerald green carpet, long corridor), squared my shoulders, took a deep breath, and went in.

And? One interviewer forgot to turn up and hadn't read the chapter yet when he did, and the others loved it! I am so vain that I actually really enjoyed myself because I love talking about my work and never get to do it (unless at dear DB on a friday night over some vino. Usually whining and wailing about my severe academic shortcomings). So perversely I was indeed getting pleasure out of my grilling. I am really lucky, I really love my topic and always want to know more about it (I am a geek. But aren't we all at this stage?!) so I wanted criticism. Didn't really get any though.

So hurray! I now have a couple of things to iron out for this chapter, then THANK GOD, I can put it away until I revise it next year after fieldwork (hate that phrase. How can you seriously respectfully seek to know something about people and their community when you say that they are fieldwork?! Will have to work on that one...). I love my work but arg don't you get sick of analysing ONE aspect/section. So sick of it. Now I have another chapter to write... It is half written already. I had nearly finished the chapter I just wrote when I realised that actually half of it would be MUCH better in the previous chapter. So, wiping tears from my eyes and gritting frustrated teeth, I cut and pasted half of my beloved chapter into another. That was a Bad Day. Anyway, I digress... SOOOO, in about... hmmm... two months? I will have my methodology to sort out. Am off, off and away in September so better get sommat organised! I have a volunteering position organised for a bit, teaching English and helping organise learning materials. Can't wait! I have to learn the language first too.

BUT first things first, I am now officially on leave until the 15 June. Off on holiday next weds for a week. Ah! sun, swimming pool, tapas, non-academic books. BLISS! xxxxxxxx

x J

Ps. Am horribly hungover today so I apologise if none of this makes sense. Sense is overrated anyway. Lets start a revolution for Non-Sense.


Anonymous said...

I have to ask - when you walked the green mile did you have someone in front of you shouting "dead man walking" ?

Ethereal :)

Numpty said...

On my shoulder, oh yes ;)

Anonymous said...


For the record, I HATED that film!

I've not written on my PhD blog yet, as you probably have guessed. I've not got much to put there yet oher than a massive moan about hoop jumping!

Ethereal :)

Numpty said...

I like your blog! I also work in the realm of fighting for those who get ridden roughshod over... (as you may be able to tell from my rants... !) I would be happy to put a link to your site in my PhD sites list if you like?! Would you like to link to me back?! Hope so - we could get the community going!

Anonymous said...

sure thing. I'm blogging on 2 seperate blogs though :p

I'm having the onw with random rantyness, and one with the PhD related on. Which I will update once I've finished this god awful essay!

I don't know how to link though :p

Numpty said...

Random rantyness! I like! hard work though keeping two. My thoughts aren't organised for that :P

I pop links to websites I like on the right, you can do this in your editing part - when you have time to have a play-around you'll see it, is very easy. When you are blogging again let me know and I shall pop you on my links! Then people can pop thru to your site from mine = blog community!

;) J