Monday 26 October 2009


I did bu*ger all today!

Nothing! I read about the Bean... (only ten weeks to go until my due date! Is starting to occupy my thoughts a lot as you can imagine. Oh well, tomorrow is another day. I am working full time until at least the beginning of Dec, though really until term ends on the 18 Dec. Then shall wind up for xmas and holeeeday!) Well, I sorted out that paper for the journal. It is the first day back after a week off so just sitting here is pretty good! (Look at me trying to cheer my lazy arse up!)

Tomorrow I will work, honest. May mean not turning on the laptop though.

To be honest, I really don't want to trawl through my old fieldwork nonsense. Reading journals etc. So time consuming and to glean what? And I don't *like* it, it makes me feel creepy - I think because of my Step Dads death at the end of it all. Just don't want to think about it much. But I have to! Sigh. I shall think on it tonight and turn myself on to it.

ALSO, I have just realised, I *always* have a few weeks of active procrastination between chapters. Weeks! Then the deadline looms (whatever it is, meeting with Sup/Conference/going away on fieldwork etc) and I get busy. Sugar, I really have to make sure I don't slip into this - in weeks' time it will be mid november and I have two chapters to write before I stop work on the 18 Dec. Come ON!

Ok, maybe I shall arrange to send it to Sup for 16 Nov. Lordy, even without procrastination I am in the middle of Nov! This week = work; next week I am away! It is my sister's beeday so am going to spend Sunday with my family en route to my last visit to the inlaws (and only my second during my pregnancy so they are keen to see me and Bump as you can imagine) in cornwall, before we have a Bean. We are there until Weds/Thurs next week. So if I have the whole of the next week and weekend that brings me to the 16 Nov! O.M.G. There is no way I am stopping work in the beginning of Dec then. I definitely have to get my discussion chapter down before Mat leave.


x J

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