Tuesday 13 October 2009

Weee! New Chapter Started

Sooo, after spending this morning putting my old chapter away, have now definitely started on my new one :0)

I have got out all of my fieldwork notes and have separated them into primary evidence (newspaper clippings, reports, interviews and stuff), my workings out (my gibberings from start to finish re: methods, places to study and visit, journal diaries, volunteering info), my general tsunami info (on er, the tsunami and aid effort), and academic articles re: the aid effort and interviews. And a pile of a few reading lists I have compiled along the way... Have looked at the chapter as it is at the moment and it isn't bad at all.

Plan of action then:
To pull out a few other reports I know exist but must be in a different chapter box
To read through all this gumpf
To analyse my fieldwork data (the interviews as they stand, which is not much to be honest. I need those translations! GRRR).
Write my fieldwork data into my chapter

I am not really enjoying this I have to say, I really didn't enjoy my fieldwork much and don't really want to have to revisit it! But getting it out of the way, kind of 'blitzing' it will be good. Even theraputic? Well, I didn't not like it that much. It just makes me feel weird! We left for trip #1 a year ago on the 27 October! How weird is that? Am looking forward to that date coming and going and still being here... Am looking forward to my first English autumn and winter for two years - my favourite seasons - looking forward to Christmas here, New year, and then finally looking forward to the 4 February, when I found out about my Step Dads death and flew home. I think I shall put the whole weirdness I feel about India behind me then.

Am going to read through my presentation - but not out loud - then leave work for the day. I can't read it out loud much more as am starting to race through it and not pay attention - don't want to sound completely bored and rehearsed on the day and is only Tuesday :0) Oh, I'll get out the other reports and NGO commentaries I know I have knocking around. They were for my previous chapter originally but are now for ths one. The writing has been done but I would like the sources too, to refresh one's memory.

Tomorrow I am in Uni from 12ish till 5. Long, long time. Bet I don't last the course, am already thinking of excuses. Is one lecture I have to go to, and one that I should go to but don't really care if I do or not. I know what my issue is at the heart of it - I have a fear my Sup will ask me to the pub *again* with him and the other lecturers and the guest speaker all of whom I am doing the panel with this weekend, all of whom are lovely, and all of whom many people in my field would give their eyeteeth just to meet let alone be able to schmooze down the pub with. BUT sadly also all of whom I am very very shy around and can't even have a drink to chill out as am so pregnant, tired and, well, pregnant. So I would desperately want to say no and come home and would seem rude *again*.

Arf, I am rubbish!

Well, off to get those notes out and then skip off and read my lovely new book about babies ;0)

x J

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