Wednesday 14 October 2009

Where's the day gone?

Oh I am confused! It was lunchtime, and now it is dinner time?

I did set about trying to re-organise my presentation, then wise words from a friend who has completed her PhD alerted me to the fact that if it was already good and ready to go and I was happy with it, why change it? And that often tinkering with things at the last minute is unwise... Sitting and thinking about it I realised that I wasn't exactly sure what I wanted to change the work to... it would take a lot of jigging about and if it was really important and necessary I would know what needed doing and set about it easily. The fact I couldn't quite work out what to change it to meant I wasn't as sure as I thought and so could just leave it. I read through it and thought, well, it's ok?! And then did a dress rehearsal! Got my smart trousers out (can't do them up but my trunk holds them in place quite firmly ;0)) and the tops I plan to wear, made sure everything was covered as I want it to be (don't want people actually knowing my trousers aren't done up!) and did a wee practice, and it was my best run through yet. Was helpful actually because in my other run-throughs I have had my hand in my pocket quite a lot, but these trousers don't have pockets! So it was kind of hanging around for a while... but then I started using it. Anyway, all went a-ok. I also realised that if I concentrate on my presentation and what I am saying then the environment sort of disappears, my breathing regulates and I slow down, so shall try and do that on the day - just focus on what I am trying to say, rather than who I am saying it to ;0)

I just can't wait for it to be over. OVER.

Other than that I filled out expenses forms, read through some of the interviews from my fieldwork, pranced about in my conference clothes and ate a lot of jam on toast.

Ug the guy who lives opposite me still has a hacking cough - has had it since we got back from India at the beginning of August - and is outside his house coughing his lungs up and smoking a fag. RANK! I would be so embarrassed to cough like that and be smoking! (though have ben there and done that, though for a bout of tonsilitus as a student, not this guys chronic, and very loud, lung issues!)

Wonder if I am turning into a non-smoker? Hmmm.

Gosh, is 6pm! Will hang around for a bit then gratefully slink off, am not feeling too hot still and really can't wait to just be able to lie on my bed. Will have a bath I think. Am avoiding the sitting room tonight as it has been commandeered for the football. Boooooooring. And so noisy! Such shouty boys.

x J

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