Monday 1 November 2010


I am working again! AGAIN!

DB is bathing the baby, dinner is cooked (Jamie Oliver's Beef and Ale Stew - is the shizzle of stews) and I have to type up my fieldwork findings that I worked out yesterday. I ahve the whole of this evening :0)))))) DB and I are totally back on track and I feel more relaxed all the time. Just need to get exercising again and I will feel totally coowell.

I am not sure about my fieldwork analysis... I mean, I really like it and I have lots of information that answers my (vague) research questions. So that's all grand. Only, I seem to have analysed it quite easily. I haven't used NVIVO. I haven't fretted over themes or justifying why I am asking some questions and not others. I just went through the interview transcripts and wrote down what was repetitive. Obviously the transcripts follow a format as I had questions for the interviewers to follow so I can easily draw out themes according to the answers. It's all been quite simple.

I suppose I should just be pleased rather than suspicious...

Anyway, am going to type it all up now then I can show my Sup tomorrow what the chuff I got up to in India and that it was, actually, worth it :0)

Am so dreading going to Uni tomorrow. Really dreading it! Am dreading being away from my baby - I hate leaving him so much! Am dreading the meeting. Am dreading missing my train home and being stranded while my baby needs feeding at home (should I drive? Is that just silly as the trains are every half an hour lol). Am feeling a bit stressed as I have lots of chores to do in Uni that I should do tomorrow but don't really want to spend the time doing them. Library etc. I might just not do them and stick to the meeting. I don't know why I am so skeered! Is really Very Silly. Mild agoraphobia I suspect - I have hardly left my village for a year let alone hit the City! Yep, that's what it is. I should go and be pleased to be amongst humanity as a normal person. And maybe buy myself a new top to celebrate being in a Big Place ;0)

Ok back to work. Well, must mash some tatties first, then am back to work.

Am so much happier! Thanks for sticking with me through my whining. I really hope that is all there will be and it will only be downhill (in the good way) from now on...

watch this space!

x J

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