Tuesday 2 November 2010


I can only be quick but am taking the rest of the day off (with an article to read of course) to look after the wean who is currently trying to pull the radio off the shelf, and the lamp...

BUT I went in to see my Sup and he is really pleased with my work! No WAY. He said it was excellent and I apologised for it being so rough and he said that the intro was excellent and it didn't look at all rough, and that the rest was wonderful! How jammy is that. Somehow I managed to make two nights of work look like two months, am just so relieved. ANd so pleased that he made me do that work because now I am really back into the swing of things and have lots of work to do between now and Jan, is all very organised and just a case of getting on with it.

AND today was the first tijme I have left Bean in the daytime to go off on my own, and it was fine.

AND DB was looking after him and did a marvellous job, Bean is all fed and watered and clean and most importantly, had a grand time with his Daddy :0) DB is super keen to keep doing this, so I work mornings on four days a week and he works afternoons, I have Saturdays and he has one working day a week to go inton his client's office. Sounds great to me, Bean is in such a fine mood having been cared by by both his parents.

So am in a great mood and looking forward to an afternoon slumming about with my baby knowing that my PhD is still safe and sound.

Thank you for seeing me through my whinging. Am so grateful. Hopefully I can start to be a better example of a PhD Mum :0)

Now I feel back in the swing of things I think I can drop the 'coming back to it after maternity leave' tag. Am not 'coming' back, am BACK! hehe!

x J


Clare said...

This is such great news! I've been following your trials for a while and been hoping that it would start going better for you. And it looks like it has! Well done on your feedback - you're obviously really good at what you do - keep it up and good luck!

Finding you quite inspirational as I've only just started and don't have any scary things like children to worry me... You inspired me to start my own blog actually!


Anonymous said...


Great news- so often we think our work is worse than others find it to be. Sounds like you have a very supportive supervisor, which will no doubt also ease the rest of your journey.

Well done, and congratulations for climbing back on the horse!


Zalfa said...

Woohoo!! :) :)

We knew you could do it!


Anonymous said...

Hello Jayney
So glad that you've got things back on track. After posting a couple of times before, I'm now 14 weeks - had an amazing scan (the first time it actually felt real!), told friends, family and importantly supervisors. My supervisors and head of department were really positive - one even encouraged me to take a look at how Kristeva wrote about her pregnancy. Still finding it very slow to get working but managed to haul my arse in gear to get some interviews organised in November so that should give me a kick up the bum and hopefully a bit more of a sense that I am actually getting some work done.
I hope the positive mood continues and baby and DB stay happy too.
Best wishes
Elaine (don't have to be anonymous anymore - Hooray!)