Monday 29 November 2010

Tired and Annoyed

Bah. I am so tired, my baby is super demanding at night time at the mo (am praying it's a phase and I won't need to get all sleep-trainer-y on his arse) and my back hurts from my stupid make-shift work desk.

I am annoyed because I am not working well at the mo, just skiving and bumbling about. I can't get any momentum again - my baby wants me to be in his eyeline all the time or he cries and his Dad doesn't seem to be able to chill him out :0( I cannot work when my baby is crying downstairs, it is just impossible. And again another day has gone by and I have done very little. DB and I are arguing again, excellent. Am a bit miserable really. Can you tell?!

I want to have this chapter done by Friday. Friday! I feel some night shifts coming on. (Baby willing. I always forget! harrumph I am tired, my brain is like a sieve - as DB notics constantly when I forget to do things or do things wrong/badly. Again.)

I have to sort out my workspace, working as I am I can feel that the middle of my back is kind of holding the rest of me up, as I lean over to work. It hurts and is most unnatural. DB says it makes him wince to see me hunched over. But I love this workspace! It is my stupid chair. It is stupid ;0)

Tomorrow is another day. Another day for work. NO! No work tomorrow, I don't work tuesdays. ARG. At least DB will be out so we don't argue.

Am off downstairs to er, probably argue.

x J

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