Saturday 20 November 2010

This week

Has mostly been ok. Apart from the fact that last Sunday my baby had norovirus and so spent all day throwing up on me - he was fine though between bouts of pukiness, though i was flummoxed having never looked after another person who can't get to the loo to throw up before. I didn't know if I should hang him over the loo, keep him where he was, get a cloth...

And THEN I gave me and DB food poisoning. What a fool. We spent Tuesday sick as dogs and today is the first day I have felt a-ok. Looking after the wean and being so sick was just hideous and pressed home the imprtance of having family to be able to take him in such a circumstance. Though to be fair it shouldn't really happen today, especially now I have stopped cooking ;0)

Workwise all is going well. Am working this morning voluntarily, mostly to browse the internet and have some time away from the bubba as am on duty on my lonesome this afternoonand am tiiiiiiiiiiiiiiired and feeling selfish. DB can look after him cause he is at the gym this avo (oh to bumble around a gym, then to sup a latte and read the paper lazily in the cafe on my todd afterwards because no-one would know... OMG, in fact, don't even go to the gym just go straight to the cafe and watch the tv and eat chips and read the paper! Hehe!). I am christmas shopping browsing and doing my chapter. Am 8,000 words into it now and is pretty easy really though slow going. I didn't plan really before how it was going to be so am having to constantly restructure it, but this is ok. I think this will be a 10,000 word chapter, easily. Am not going to let it be bigger than that though unless really I have no choice. I have to find out if the total amount of words at the end (100,000) includes the appendices, footnotes and references because if they do then each chapter needs to be 8,000 really. Makes quite a difference!

Ja, so will get on with it!

x J

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