Wednesday 17 August 2011


Arf I am so tired.  My head feels completely fugged.

Today I have to learn how to use endnote.  This is a real disappointment as it is looking all complicated and like it will take all my lovely time today :0(

Am gutted because I had an epiphany with my work yesterday when I realised that I have been working *really* hard over the past, ahem, few months, to write as concisely and unadulterated as possible, trying to get in as much info per sentence...  and then I realised that this isn't a 2,000 word essay it is a PhD thesis!  I am *meant* to write a lot!  In fact, the more the better!  I am very wordy by nature and so have tried to hone my skillz and not blather on over the past few years.  But this *is* a skill to me, and one that I am certain I have lost.  Instead I am writing nonsense when if I wrote a few thousand words instead of trying to write 500 what I am trying to say would make total sense.  It would be coherent and thorough.  And anyway, at this stage any writing is good even if it is blather.  Infact, my Sup doesn't want 500 words, he *wants* thousands of words!  Obviously best not to write in a gazillion words what could be said in three, but really - this is a complicated and loooong piece of work, thereofre it stands to reason that it should be long!  I am so dumb :0(  I think I just got it into my head that I wanted a neat abstract or synopsis to work with, to show my ideas in a tight and sophisticated manner.  In fact, I need to write it all out, to *explain* where the chuff I am coming from so people can understand me.  Then, from this I can whittle it down to an abstract and then the all-important sentence (I heard that in a VIVA you are often asked to describe your thesis in a sentence...).  So there we go.  I was very excited about this as I know what I want to say and can just wibble on about what my thesis is about and this will start to form my introduction.  But instead I need to add references - start doing this thing properly instead of half-assed, and this means gettign to grips with endnote.  How DULL and unrewarding.

x J

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