Wednesday 24 August 2011


So far I have read a lot of mumsnet, eaten crisps and doughnuts, scanned my chapter and looked on the Guardian website about how lots of mums think Mr Bloom off of 'Mr Bloom's Nursery' is fit.  (toddler tele lol).  I agree that he is fit but am not allowed him on my 'list' because he is an old schoolfriend of DB's brother.  Haha!  Anywho...

I will eat some healthy soup, eat a bun and then  really will do an hour's good work.  Think that is all I can achieve today.

What a hungover twonk.

I am watching (ahem, have on in the background) a horizon programme about how the nine months you spend in the womb affects who you are, how long you will live, what diseases you may be susceptible to...  Oh jeez.  Like there isn't enough pressure on us mums as it is.  harrumph!

x J

x J

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